
Install & setup

What good is pysqlw if you can’t actually use it, right? Thankfully, pysqlw is a breeze to install and setup!

pysqlw is on pypi, so you just have to pip install pysqlw, and pip does the rest!
Then you just have to import pysqlw, and you’re set.


Generally, you’ll simply create a pysqlw object by making an instance of pysqlw.pysqlw.
The actual things you pass to the initialisation will differ based on what type of database you want to work with.

import pysqlw
p = pysqlw.pysqlw(...)

Setup for sqlite

import pysqlw

# Pass in an absolute path to your sqlite3 database file.
p = pysqlw.pysqlw(db_type="sqlite", db_path="/home/user/pysqlw.db")

Setup for MySQL

import pysqlw

# Since we're using MySQL, we have to pass in relevant information; host, user, pass, database
conf = {
    "db_type": "mysql",
    "db_host": "localhost",
    "db_user": "foo",
    "db_pass": "bar",
    "db_name": "example"
p = pysqlw.pysqlw(**conf)

Querying your database

For reference, the p object we’re working with is from p = pysqlw.pysqlw(...).
table_name is just a fictional table in a non-existant database. Swap it out for your tables real name.


# SELECT all rows from the table
rows = p.get('table_name')

# SELECT only the first five rows
rows = p.get('table_name', 5)

# SELECT only the rows where: `foo` = 'bar'
rows = p.where('foo', 'bar').get('table_name')


# This is the data we're going to INSERT into the table.
# Keys relate to table column names, values are what we're inserting there.
data = {
    "foo": "bar",
    "baz": "qux",
    "moo": 1
if p.insert('table_name', data):
    # Success!


You must call where() before you can update.

# k/v relates to column-name/value, as above
data = {
    "foo": "baz",
    "moo": 7

# UPDATE all rows where: `name` = 'John'
if p.where('name', 'John').update('table_name', data):
    # Success!

# UPDATE only a single row where: `name` = 'Pete'
if p.where('name', 'Pete').update('table_name', data, 1):
    # Success!


You must call where() before you can delete.

# DELETE any row where: `name` = 'John'
if p.where('name', 'Pete').delete('table_name'):
    # Success!

# DELETE only a single row where: `id` = 1
if p.where('id', 1).delete('table_name'):
    # Success!


This adds a WHERE query to your SQL. You can dictate what rows and columns to operate on with this.
There are two ways to work with your where() call.

# On separate lines:
p.where('id', 1)
p.where('foo', 'bar')
rows = p.get('table_name')
# Chained together
rows = p.where('id', 1).where('foo', 'bar').get('table_name')

Affected rows

Want to know how many rows you modified with the last executed query? This will show you just that.

data = {
    "surname": "Smith"
if p.where('name', 'John').update('table_name', data):
    # Success!
    print 'Affected rows:', p.affected_rows()

Escape unsafe data

Due to how bound queries work, the data you pass in is actually transparently escaped for you; you don’t have to do anything to be safe. If for some reason you still want to escape data, use the escape(var) method. It passes through your information to the database’s escape method, so we can’t guarantee that it’s secure.

user = "Some'Dangerous'Username"
# Not today, hacker scum!
safe_user = p.escape(user)
# Now you're safe from the menaces of society.
print safe_user

Your own query


This doesn’t do any behind-the-scenes binding, escaping, or anything of the sort. It’s your job to keep it safe.

If for some reason, you wish to execute a manual query (joins, union selects, other query wizardry), you’ll have to use the query(q) method. Poor you!

data = p.query('SELECT `this` FROM `that` UNION SELECT `this` FROM `other`')
# Data is whatever your query might return.

Close your connections


Once you call p.close(), the object is useless. There is no way to reconnect, you have to recreate your object. If you try and interact with it once it’s been closed, all sorts of nasty errors could crop up. Don’t do it!

If you know you’re done with your queries, or you don’t need the object anymore, you can simply call p.close() to kill off connections and null out left over references.

rows = p.get('table_name')

Making it simpler

Some neato functions are included, just to make life with pysqlw easier.

with pysqlw as p

New in version 1.3.0.

pysqlw supports the python with statement. This makes it much easier to visually see where you’re working with a pysqlw instance.

with pysqlw.pysqlw(...) as p:
    rows = p.get('table_name')

This calls the close statement and all, so you’re good to go without any dead resources.

raw wrapper access

If for whatever reason you need access to the underlying database connection, or the databases’ cursor, they’re easy to find, under the p.wrapper object.

p.wrapper.dbc is your database connection, and p.wrapper.cursor is the databases’ cursor. Simple, right?

# execute our schema: CREATE TABLE IF ...
with pysqlw.pysqlw(...) as p: